Blue-Eyed soul jazz R&B rock

🇺🇸 Upside Looking down


2008 , Circus Money- Walter Becker, 

Songwriter:Walter Becker , Larry Klein , 

this is his last solo album ,

in this song ,  he plays bass and sings in very calm and relaxed manner 🎤🎵

and , session guitarist Dean Parks's guitar solo is gentle and pleasant 🎸

〜🌿 even during his time with the Steely Dan , he had session with guitarist Larry Carlton and others and created a great sound , 

although the music he created was based on jazz and R&B , rock , he continued to provide melodies that were easy for listeners to listen to , even when he used complex chords .  

ウォルター ベッカーの最後のソロアルバム、サーカス マネー から、upside Looking down 🎵

スティーリー ダン時代から、ラリー カールトン等、色んなセッションギタリストと音を重ねてきた彼。            この曲では、ディーン パークス🎸との共演です。








-Blue-Eyed soul, jazz, R&B, rock

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