calypso reggae soca

🇹🇹 Ah Catch yah Tonight

1989,  Katch Ya!- Machel Montano , 

produced:Machel Montano , 

this album incorporates the essence of calypso and soca and features rhythms and catchy melodies that will rock the dance holl 🎵

even if you can't dance , it's a rhythm that makes you want to dance naturally , 

〜 in addiction to calypso and soca , he is an artist who incorporates , hiphop , R&B , etc , and is supported by a wider fan base , 

he has a passion for dance music and as an artist!

☘️ his birthplace:Carenage ,

Trinidad and Tobago ,



そしてまた、彼は、ヒップホップや、R&B,等 の要素も取り入れて、幅広い層に、支持されているア−ティストです。🪘




-calypso, reggae, soca

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